Ghaf Capital seeks through innovative thinking and initiatives to provide our clients an enhanced array of services across all the different segments of the financial services industry. Many of these services are related to transactions we work on, but are not offered by Ghaf Capital directly. In recognition of this need, we have developed our “Strategic Alliance” program. This program offers our clients access to specific leading financial and related services firms, including banks, non-bank lenders, private equity funds, hedge funds, venture capital funds, business brokers, wealth management firms, law firms, and accounting firms with whom Ghaf Capital interacts regularly on transactions. This program is designed to permit Ghaf Capital to work closely with the Strategic Alliance member on transactions for Ghaf Capital or their clients, leveraging each firm’s strengths for the benefit of the client. Ghaf Capital offers to its clients the benefits of these Strategic Alliances free of the numerous conflicts of interest which affect other investment banks. The result for our clients is a more diversified range of independent advisory services and resources with the highest level of attention and confidentiality.